Please click on the below link to view our current Provider Access Policy.
Medeshamstede Academy uses the Gatsby Benchmarks as a guide to plan our careers programme. As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we actively encourage requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to students, along with our local competitors who offer traditional A-Level pathways.
Medeshamstede Academy also proactively seeks to build relationships with these partners as we plan our CEIAG (careers education, information, advice and guidance) activity throughout the school year. We aim to ensure that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across years 7-11 and to offer information on vocational, technical and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways. Through a programme of Continuing Professional Development, Medeshamstede Academy ensures that those Academy staff members involved in personnel guidance and pastoral support are up-to-date on their knowledge of these post-16 pathways available in the City,
Opportunities for providers to speak with students may include school assemblies, employer and provider engagement events or opportunities to speak with students and parents on a one-to-one basis supporting GCSE or post-16 option choices.
Medeshamstede Academy’s CEIAG programme is monitored for quality and impact by the Academy’s Senior Leadership. The monitoring of access to and opportunities to engage with, technical, vocational and training providers will form part of this process. In the first instance, requests by providers should be sent to the Academy’s Careers Lead, Miss Kate Lovegrove:, with a minimum of 6 weeks’ lead time. All requests will be considered on an individual basis.
For questions on this or Medeshamstede’s wider Pathways and Enrichment programme, please contact the Academy.